Martes, Marso 5, 2013

History & Benefits

Did You Know?

Scientists in Japan discovered that Red Rice Bran Extract contains over 2000 antioxidants including120 known antioxidants, cofactors and catalysts such as : Glutathione Peroxidase, IP-6, CoQ10, Tocotrienols, Tocopherols, Phytosterols, Selenium, Alpha Lipoic Acid, SOD Carotenoids, Calcium, Gamma Oryzanol, Vitamin B-Complex, Iron, Zinc, Copper ,Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins, Omega 3, 6 & 9
An Ancient Japanese Superfood

For centuries, rice has been a staple food, but nobody knew what a true superfood it was until a recent technology unlocked
its full nutritional potential. Most of the nutrients in rice are routinely destroyed or discarded during milling. The first step removes
the outer hull, resulting in what is commonly known as "red rice". The second step removes the bran leaving "white rice".
This already strips most of the nutritional value because rice bran (including the germ) contains 65% of the nutrients.

Even if you keep the bran on (leaving red rice), you have another problem. As soon as a red rice seed is removed from its hull, an enzyme called lipase starts turning the healthy oils in the bran rancid. Within hours, the bran becomes unfit for human consumption because rancid foods are carcinogenic (they can increase your chance of getting cancer).In order to extract red rice and rice bran, manufacturers generally use chemicals or microwave heat to halt the lipase enzyme activity. This destroys phytonutrients.

Recently, Scientists discovered and developed a proprietary non-chemical process that Red Red Rice Bran Extract without destroying or degrading its nutritional profile. Their patented method selectively deactivates the lipase enzyme activity without damaging heat-sensitive nutrients. The result is a microbiologically safe rice bran with higher levels of micronutrients and antioxidants than any other rice product. It contains quality hypoallergenic protein and healthy fiber that is easily tolerated and is gluten and lactose-free, so it can be safely consumed by children, adults, and the elderly every day.

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